Current Recipients

Colin Brown

Dean Robinson


DAWG Nation

DAWG Nation, established in Colorado in 2011, is a non-profit organization founded by a group of adult hockey players who came together to support their teammates during challenging times. Since its inception, DAWG Nation has provided over $4 million in financial assistance to members of the hockey community in need. Our founder and President, Martin Richardson, was recognized as a semi-finalist for the NHL's Willie O'Ree Community Hero Award in 2023.


Jonny O's 3v3

The St. Louis chapter of DAWG Nation was established in January 2022 following a tragic accident that left our friend and teammate, Jon Orelt, paralyzed. Through the collective efforts of the community and DAWG Nation, we were able to present Jonny with a substantial donation of $55,000 at the inaugural Jonny O's 3-on-3 Affton Bash. Since then, our team at DAWG Nation has continued to rally the St. Louis community in support of individuals facing times of crisis.This annual fundraising tournament has consistently grown in size and scope, becoming a significant event within our hockey community. As our St. Louis Chapter expands, so does this tournament. In 2024, we relocated the tournament to the prestigious Steinberg Skating Rink in Forest Park, attracting over 35 teams ranging from beginners to former NHL players. One of our primary goals is to foster an inclusive hockey environment, underscoring the principle that "hockey is for everyone." This encompasses the participation of a traveling Blind Hockey team, Warrior hockey, a women's division, and a Sled Hockey exhibition game.


Moving Forward

Our foundation consistently seeks groundbreaking and innovative strategies to secure funding and raise awareness. We have partnered with our friends from the TWIN Bridges Lightning Youth Hockey organization to host the third annual 3v3 youth hockey tournament, scheduled for July 2024. We have successfully organized a diverse portfolio of events, including cornhole tournaments and comedy shows, and we remain receptive to novel and imaginative concepts. Notably, we intend to revitalize our full-ice (5v5 + Goalie) hockey tournament, known as the DAWG Bowl, in the summer of 2025.


DAWG Nation Hockey Foundation STL

DAWG Nation Hockey Foundation St. Louis is a tax-exempt public charity under IRS Code 501 (c)(3). Our tax identification number is 99-2248767. DAWG Nation is dedicated to providing opportunities for persons with and without disabilities to gain confidence and independence through participation in national and international amateur ice hockey events and to support local, national, and international amateur ice hockey players and their families in times of crisis.


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